Independent Learning

Experiencing Nature with Young Children

Experiencing Nature With Young Children



(3 credit hours)

Level 1  CDA 2,3  CC 4,6  Audience-All

Experiencing Nature With Young Children [Alice Sterling Honig]

“Experiencing Nature with Young Children” invites you to explore the world outdoors that is waiting to embrace young children’s curiosity, imagination, and enthusiasm. Help children learn to love nature and learn to care for & protect our outdoor environments. In this book study and eCourse, participants will learn ways to awaken children’s enjoyment and appreciation of nature, nurturing emotional and cognitive growth. Find ways to help children discover how we are all connected and engage families in preserving the natural world.

Participants are responsible for obtaining the books from the public library or by purchasing their own books. The price covers only the cost of the training module and credit hours.

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Trainee(s) Information

In order to receive credit for completing this training, you MUST submit the information below for each trainee. To add a trainee, click the plus sign to the right of the chart. The quantity of the order must match the number of trainees.
Email Address
Phone Number
Last 4 of SSN