Louisville Growing Readers

A free preschool library for our community

Use the free digital library below to read with your child

Louisville Growing Readers

The new Louisville Growing Readers program provides free access to more than 400 books narrated in 40+ languages through Louisville’s digital library linked below. The books are different from those found in many local libraries. Rather than incorporating a high volume of text, they are instead overly reliant on sight words—a critical emergent reader skill—and most deliberately include illustrations that support the text to support readers more effectively at the foundational level. These qualities make books available through the Louisville Growing Readers program unique and highly effective learning instruments for children ages 3 to 7.

Jefferson County Public Schools, a partner in Louisville Growing Readers, is training teachers to lead guided reading groups which utilize emergent reader texts, so the books children have access to through Louisville Growing Readers are similar to what they will read as part of their classroom curriculum.

For more information on the full program, visit Louisville Growing Readers.

Louisville Free Digital Library

This resource from Unite for Literacy is free and available to everyone!

This collection was created by Unite For Literacy