
Daylight Savings Time

This is a reason to celebrate and yet it proves frustrating for some parents and children. March 11 brings more daylight at the end of the day because we add an hour, which means more outside time, whether gardening, playing, talking to the neighbors, taking children to ball practice, or actually playing games. It is confusing and frustrating at the same time because children who were used to going to bed in the dark may now being put to bed while it is light. It can lead to a wonderful discussion about changing our clocks twice a year, why and when it started, how just a few years ago, it was changed to start the 2nd Sunday in March and the 1st Sunday in November. It is easy to make a clock out of a paper plate, and by using a brad, even make hands which move so that a child can see the change. Pull it out again in the Fall and reverse it. This way, it keeps it simple, but at the same time, engages the young child in the process. Emphasize the positives of more daylight, like more play time, more outdoor time.
