Independent Learning

Untitled design (14)

Using the Outdoors for Strong Social and Emotional Development (1 credit hour)


(1 credit hour)

Level 2  CDA 3    CC 1   Audience – All

Using the Outdoors for Strong Social and Emotional Development

This eCourse will be focused on how nature can provide children with many opportunities to use and hone in on their social and emotional development. Nature provides an opportunity to engage the whole body but it also provides children an environment that fosters self soothing and interacting with peers when they are ready.

This course is an interactive e-learning experience, and participants will need access to a computer or tablet that is connected to the internet. You will complete this module at your own pace, working through a variety of activities (videos, articles, short-answer responses, assignments, quizzes, etc.).

Please make sure that the email address you enter is correct. A link to the course will be sent via email.

"*" indicates required fields

Trainee(s) Information

In order to receive credit for completing this training, you MUST submit the information below for each trainee. To add a trainee, click the plus sign to the right of the chart. The quantity of the order must match the number of trainees.
Email Address
Phone Number
Last 4 of SSN